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Show your user how to work through some end to end examples.

In this page you will get complete interaction examples with Jumstarter, from the very beginning to the end.

1 - Jumpstarter in Tekton

In this section we explain how to use Jumpstarter in OpenShift pipelines.

We can integrate with OpenShift pipelines/tekton by using a tekton task co-located with the hardware.

Tekton is an open-source, cloud-native framework for creating and managing CI/CD workflows, enabling automation of software build, test, and deployment pipelines on Kubernetes. It’s designed for flexibility, scalability, and supports various development tools and languages across different cloud environments.

To use Jumpstarter in Tekton, you need to create a custom task (see jumpstarter-script task for an example), and then use it in your pipeline.

You can find a complete example in the tekton directory: Jumpstarter in Tekton.

The directory provides an example pipeline, and a custom task to use Jumpstarter in Tekton.

Pipeline diagram

The git-clone task checkouts a repository which contains a jumpstarter script, and an ansible playbook. The jumpstarter script uses the ansible playbook on a later stage, when the DUT is already powered, booted, and connected to the host to perform more complex tasks.

The prepare-image task is an example task performing some initial preparation of the image we want to deploy on the DUT.

We will focus on the run-jumpstarter-script task, which is the one that uses Jumpstarter.

This task receives the following parameters:

Run script parameters

And the following workspaces:

Run script workspaces

  • scripts is the base directory for the scriptFile reference. This is where we would usually checkout a repository containing the scriptFile.

  • images is the base directory for the imageFile reference. This is the workspace where preceding pipeline tasks would have copied the image to deploy on the DUT.

  • artifacts is the directory where resulting task artifacts will be copied to. We expect the jumpstarter script to generate any artifacts in the artifacts diretory which will be copied to the artifacts workspace.

Calling our example pipeline from command line can be performed with:

$ tkn pipeline start jumpstarter-orin-nx \
	    --workspace name=checkout-files,volumeClaimTemplateFile=workspace-template.yaml \
       	--workspace name=image-input,claimName=lvm-rhel-image \
      	--workspace name=image-files,volumeClaimTemplateFile=workspace-templates/image-workspace-template.yaml \
       	--workspace name=artifacts,volumeClaimTemplateFile=workspace-templates/workspace-template.yaml \

Known limitations

The current implementation is not aware of the nodes where test harnesses could be attached (i.e. if there is a direct physical connection from host to hardware like in the dutlink board).

Some future test harneses could be network-driven, that would remove this limitation. Or future jumpstarter arquitectures could be accessed via a broker. A temporary solution could be to use a nodeSelector to make sure the tasks are scheduled in the node(s) where the hardware is available. But that would not fully acount for scheduling/availability.

Future work

To address test harness allocation and pod scheduling we are looking into the following options:

2 - Jumpstarter in GitLab CI

In this section we explain how to use Jumpstarter in GitLab CI.

We can integrate with GitLab CI by using gitlab ci jobs and a gitlab runner co-located with the hardware.

3 - Jumpstarter in GitHub CI

In this section we explain how to use Jumpstarter in GitHub CI.

We can integrate with GitHub CI by using github actions and a github runner co-located with the hardware.